Thursday, April 30, 2020

Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists and Government Censorship

Opinion | Cartoon: Heng on Media Censorship in China - The New ...
The coronavirus pandemic has captivated the world, and simultaneously been insanely difficult to follow. With so many different daily takes on what to do, what the future will look like, and constantly putting blame on people for numerous reasons, it’s difficult to keep track on where exactly the state of the world is right now. Especially when this historic event has proven to be a landfill for conspiracy theories about the truth of coronavirus. With the golden age of social media and mass communication currently, plenty of people have been able to use the media to spread a wide range of theories about coronavirus. This includes 5G towers emitting radio waves that give us the virus and the coronavirus being a lab produced weapon of mass destruction. There’s even one claiming that Bill Gates (yes, billionaire Bill Gates) is using coronavirus as a way track people with a vaccine.

Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theories don't make sense - The ...These theories are just plainly detrimental to our response to the coronavirus pandemic. It not only just further spreads a lot of false information into the minds of Americans, but it also stokes more fear in the overall unknown that is the coronavirus. It is damaging, and the foreign governments and social media brands have taken notice and action. When it comes to 5G conspiracy theorists, Facebook has been removing pages that support the theory and encourage the destruction of 5G towers, and YouTube has regulated content of 5G conspiracy theorists. Furthermore, government agencies such as US intelligence are debunking those conspiracy theorists claims of 5G towers and the virus being man made.

Now, this seems like the correct thing to do. These people are purposefully spreading misinformation and false narratives, which strikes up more fear and anxiety in the public’s mind, so allowing government and social media to censorship and remove their comments helps keep the public more well informed. What’s so wrong with that?

Well, there is an issue when it comes to this. Simply put, it gives governments and officials all over the world the excuse to censor those who criticize the actions and response that have been made during this crisis. Way back in February, when the virus was first becoming known around the world, people began hearing about the downplaying and censorship of the virus over in China. There was the Wuhan doctor who tried to alert the China about the virus, but was silenced after being told that he was just “spreading rumors”. After that, the discovery of the Chinese government controlling the news networks to silence and downplay the coronavirus deaths and illnesses, just as they have been doing for years. Personally, this sounds a lot like the government officials comparing the coronavirus to a conspiracy theory at the time.
China's Publishers Court America as Its Authors Scorn Censorship ...
As the pandemic has progressed and spread throughout the world, China has not been the only government silencing its critics. This article outlines how Cambodia has arrested more than 17 people on “fake news” charges, Thailand arresting a man criticizing an airport’s coronavirus protection system, along with similar actions being done in Turkey, Russia, Iran, and so many more. Even in the democratic country of Hungary, where the prime minister has been given the power to imprison those who spread “fake news” up to five years. Due to the lax definition of “fake news”, it seems as if he can define it as goes. All in all, censorship has become an issue for whistleblowers and journalists in countries where the freedom of speech isn’t as prevalent. It’s as if the government has used the censoring of conspiracy theorists as ways to silence those who pose a threat to their public reputation.

Now, I’m not trying to support the conspiracy theorists who put out wild claims about the coronavirus’ true nature. I am just trying to say how allowing the censorship of conspiracy theories can, and has led, to government’s justifying silencing the news media and anybody criticizing them for their coronavirus response. The spread of misinformation is certainly an important topic to keep an eye on during these times, but I don’t believe its worth censoring people who want to keep their government’s in check and ask the questions that need to be asked to eventually get out of this pandemic. Honestly, if governments keep on abusing their censorship power, it might be worth it to just let the conspiracy theorists theorize all they want in order to see a stronger resemblance of freedom the speech and freedom of the press around the world. I think governments have to be able to put more trust in the majority its people to not be gullible and trust the sources that are trying to correctly inform the public. Censoring these people won’t completely stop the spread of disinformation, and its worth it to maintain the freedom of speech amongst all the public.
 Pepe Silvia | Know Your Meme

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