Friday, March 27, 2020

Free Expression - The Value of Self-Fulfillment

Defending Free Expression: A Toolkit - PEN America
Our freedom of speech is one of the most foundational aspects of American history and the American experience at large. The benefits that come from maintaining the right to speak one’s mind and verbally express how they feel without facing consequences from the government are bountiful and can reach every American. These values of free expression include a more stable society, better participation in self-government, and being able to check governmental power so rights are not being infringed upon via totalitarian governments. However, the most underrated, if not most important, value of free expression that touches on the human experience at large is individual self-fulfillment.

As a theory of free expression, individual self-fulfillment suggests that freedom of speech is a value because it allows individuals to discover what they believe in, who they align themselves with (politically or non-politically), and who they are as overall. In other words, free speech helps people reach a point of satisfaction with their own lives.

This is also known as the “Self-actualization” theory. This psychological theory, created by Abraham Maslow, believes that people are able to grow to find satisfaction at the highest levels of their needs. Most notably, substantial meaning with their own lives. Maslow created a hierarchy of human needs, created in a pyramid format to highlight human growth. The basics included food, drink, oxygen, as it went past safety, love, and self-positivity, it reaches the meaning of life. Once one reached their meaning in life, they would achieve “self-actualization”, with experience of self-fulfillment and self-appreciation.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs | Simply Psychology
This theory and value of free expression differs greatly from its original complications on individuals interacting with government, as well as being able to discover the truth. As Rodney A Smolla puts it from, these values of free expression are concepts for the “common good.” They are built to serve and hold together the unity of American people as one entity, thereby protecting the rights and motives of the people. Now, contrast this with the self-fulfillment, which is meant to protect an individual’s human dignity and identity. Discovery of truth and protection from the government may be the central intentions free speech values, and they may be more widely applied today, but it does cause the importance of the theory of individual self-fulfillment on human dignity and human individuality to be overlooked.

I believe Individual self-fulfillment is so important when considering the values of free speech because it ties free speech to human autonomy and dignity. It enables and confirms the natural human ability to think and act for themselves, not based on anybody, or anything, else. Freedom of speech is directly related to human capacity for thought and knowledge. Individuals need to be able to access and utilize the basic human convention of thought without intervention so we can be sure that we can separate our individuality from groups we align ourselves with, which is a vital reason to protect freedom from powerful, and influential governments who can influence others. The supreme court has even supported this theory in a way by saying that, freedom of speech supports human spirit in need of “self-expression” in Procunier v Martinez (Smolla). This is why I chose this value, because I believe that without self-fulfillment, how can we be fully sure that we are truly human, or at least operating at full human capacity. It might not be the most important value of free expression, but the value of individual self-fulfillment is central to the human construct and is an underrated reason why the freedom of expression needs to be protected for individual right.

Here's a video on Maslow's Self-Actualization to learn more:

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